What are the common errors when submitting the Kroger Feedback survey?


The Kroger Feedback Survey found at kroger.com/feedback is designed to gather customer insights, helping the company improve its services, products, and overall customer experience. While the survey is relatively straightforward, customers often encounter errors during the submission process. These errors can be frustrating, especially for those who hope to participate in Kroger's reward program, which includes a chance to win gift cards or fuel points.

This article explores the common mistakes that participants make when completing the Kroger Feedback Survey and offers practical advice to help you avoid them.

1. Using Expired or Invalid Receipts

One of the most frequent errors users encounter when submitting the Kroger Feedback Survey is entering details from an expired or invalid receipt. The survey requires specific information from the Kroger purchase receipt, including:

  • Date and time of purchase

  • Entry ID or survey code

  • Store number

This information must be entered within a specific time frame (usually seven days) after the purchase. Many customers attempt to participate using receipts that are too old, which leads to errors when trying to input the survey code or store information. The survey portal will flag these entries as invalid, and the participant will be unable to proceed.

Solution: Always ensure that you complete the survey within the valid time frame stated on the receipt. If your receipt is more than seven days old, it cannot be used for the survey, and you will need to wait until your next purchase.

2. Incorrectly Entering the Survey Information

Another common error occurs when participants incorrectly enter the details from their receipts into the survey form. This could include typing mistakes such as entering the wrong:

  • Store number

  • Survey code (Entry ID)

  • Date or time of the transaction

Since the feedback form relies heavily on these details to validate the entry, any small mistake can prevent the survey from being accepted. For example, mistaking a zero for the letter "O" or mistyping a digit in the store number could cause an error message.

Solution: Before submitting your information, double-check all the details on your receipt. Compare them carefully with what you have typed to ensure there are no errors in your entry. Taking a moment to verify your input can save you time and prevent frustration.

3. Incompatibility with Certain Browsers or Devices

Although the Kroger Feedback Survey is designed to be user-friendly, it may not work optimally on every web browser or device. Participants attempting to access the survey from older browsers, such as outdated versions of Internet Explorer, or those using mobile devices with incompatible software might experience difficulty loading the survey page or completing the process.

Some users report that the survey form doesn't display properly, buttons don't work, or they encounter issues with submitting their feedback.

Solution: To avoid these technical issues, ensure that you are using an updated version of a compatible browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari. If you are trying to complete the survey on a mobile device, make sure your browser and operating system are up to date. In cases where mobile browsers fail, it might be helpful to switch to a desktop or laptop to complete the survey.

4. Session Timeouts

The Kroger Feedback Survey has a session timeout feature, which means that if you take too long to complete the survey, your session may expire. This can happen if you leave the survey idle for too long or if you spend too much time on one page without clicking through. Once the session expires, you will likely be kicked out of the survey, and any progress you made will be lost.

Session timeouts can be particularly frustrating, especially if you were almost finished with the survey or if you had already filled out a significant portion of it.

Solution: To avoid session timeouts, make sure you complete the survey in one sitting and avoid leaving the page idle for too long. If you need to step away from your computer, try to do so only after completing and submitting the survey. If you find yourself frequently being timed out, it may be helpful to ensure that your internet connection is stable and strong.

5. Issues with Captcha Verification

The Kroger Feedback Survey often includes a CAPTCHA verification to prevent bots or automated entries. A CAPTCHA typically asks you to solve a puzzle, check a box, or select specific images to prove that you're not a robot. Some users find themselves stuck on this step, either because they misinterpret the CAPTCHA challenge or because the CAPTCHA itself is malfunctioning.

If the CAPTCHA is not properly completed, the survey will not proceed, and you’ll likely encounter an error message.

Solution: Take your time with the CAPTCHA challenge and ensure that you're following the instructions carefully. If you're finding it difficult to solve the CAPTCHA, try refreshing the page to get a new one. Sometimes, switching browsers or clearing your cache can help resolve CAPTCHA-related issues as well.

6. Not Meeting Survey Eligibility Requirements

Another common error is attempting to complete the survey without meeting the eligibility requirements. The Kroger Feedback Survey is open to Kroger customers who have made a recent purchase, and you must have a valid receipt to participate. Furthermore, only residents of certain countries (such as the United States) may be eligible for rewards, and there are age restrictions (typically 18 years or older).

Some customers attempt to take the survey without a valid receipt, or they try to enter the survey multiple times using the same receipt. In these cases, the system will reject the entry, and an error message will appear.

Solution: Make sure you meet all the eligibility requirements before attempting to complete the survey. Read the rules carefully, especially the terms regarding receipt validity, residency, and age. Remember that you can only use each receipt once for the survey, so if you've already entered the survey with a specific receipt, you cannot use it again.

7. Skipping Required Fields

The Kroger Feedback Survey includes several required fields that must be filled out before you can submit your response. Some participants accidentally skip over these fields or fail to provide adequate responses. If you leave any required field blank, the system will not allow you to submit the survey, and you’ll receive an error message prompting you to complete the missing sections.

Additionally, some participants might provide vague or incomplete responses to open-ended questions, which could also lead to submission issues.

Solution: Ensure that you carefully read each question and provide the required information before moving on to the next page. If the survey includes open-ended questions, try to provide meaningful responses, as vague or short answers might trigger an error. It's also important to look for any marked fields that are mandatory and make sure that they are filled out completely.

8. Using Proxy Servers or VPNs

The Kroger Feedback Survey is designed to track the location of participants for eligibility purposes. Some users attempt to take the survey while using a proxy server or virtual private network (VPN), which can mask their actual location. In some cases, the survey system detects this and blocks the user from completing the survey. This is especially common when the system identifies an IP address that doesn't match the geographic location of Kroger stores.

Solution: To avoid this issue, it's best to complete the survey while connected to a regular internet connection without the use of a VPN or proxy. If you’re concerned about privacy, try using an incognito or private browsing window, but avoid masking your location.

9. Using Inaccurate or Unverifiable Contact Information

Some participants fail to provide accurate contact information, such as their email address or phone number, when prompted. Kroger uses this information to notify winners in its sweepstakes or rewards program, and if the information is inaccurate or unverifiable, you might be disqualified from receiving rewards, even if you successfully complete the survey.

Providing incorrect or invalid contact information can also trigger errors during the submission process, particularly if the form's validation system detects a mismatch.

Solution: Double-check your contact information before submitting the survey. Make sure that your email address and phone number are correct and functional, as this will be the primary method by which Kroger contacts winners. If you’re concerned about spam, consider using a secondary email address that you check regularly.

10. Technical Glitches and Site Maintenance

Finally, sometimes the Kroger Feedback Survey site experiences technical issues or goes down for maintenance. This can lead to various errors, such as pages not loading, submissions not going through, or the site becoming temporarily unavailable. While these issues are less common, they can still be a source of frustration for participants trying to complete the survey.

Solution: If you encounter a technical glitch or maintenance notice, the best approach is to wait and try again later. Kroger typically resolves these issues quickly. You can also try clearing your browser's cache or cookies, or switching to a different browser or device to see if that resolves the issue.


The Kroger Feedback Survey offers a valuable opportunity for customers to share their opinions and potentially earn rewards. However, participants may encounter several common errors during the submission process, from entering incorrect information to technical glitches or browser compatibility issues.

By understanding these common pitfalls and following the tips provided in this guide, you can avoid errors and successfully complete the survey at kroger.com/feedback. Taking the time to enter accurate information, using the right browser, and meeting eligibility requirements will help ensure a smooth and successful survey experience.

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